
Type : Agency Rental
An Agent? : Yes
Property Type : Flat
Rental Period : Monthly
No of Bedrooms : 3
Available Date : September 10, 2020
Rental Amount £ : 1910
Location : Leyton

We are proud to bring to the market this fantastic three bedroom house in Leyton. This modern built fully furnished house comprises of three bedrooms, a newly refurbished kitchen, an open plan living/dining area and two bathrooms. The kitchen has all amenities such as fridge-freezer, oven and microwave. This property also benefits from beautiful wooden flooring throughout.

This property is excellently located near to shops, restaurants, cafes, schools and useful transport links. Shops within walking distance to the property include Asda Leyton Mills Superstore, B&Q Leyton and Tesco Express. There are some decent schools in the area such as Willow Brook Primary School, Lammas School and Thomas Gamuel Primary School. Just a five minute walk from the property is Leyton Underground Station. There is also easy access to the A12.

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Office Hours Monday to Friday 10.00am to 6.00pm.

Please be aware that descriptions given here are intended to be fair and accurate, but they are prepared for guidance only and do not form part of any offer or contract. No responsibility is taken for any mistakes, errors, omissions or mis-statements.

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