3 bed shared ownership townhouse for sale £33,750



Type : Sell
Location : Walton

Number of bedrooms 3

£33750 fixed price.

We are selling our 25% share of this property.

The remaining 75% is paid as rent of £279 per month which is paid to riverside housing.

You can buy more shares , which will reduce the amount of rent you pay.

We have the application form to apply to riverside, which we can send to you to fill in and send on to them.

You main criteria is that you must not earn more than £80,000 and cannot obtain a normal mortgage.

It’s a lovely 3 storey house built just over a year ago. Like new. Ready to move in.

It is designed that you live on the second floor but we use the dining area as our lounge which has provided us with a fourth bedroom, which we have as a nursery.

It’s a lovely house, with a great community spirit within the close.Contact tel 07772493469

Mention https://ukbuyandsell.com/ when calling seller to get a good deal


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