Trigano Rubis 340TDL pop top,2 berth caravan – 2006



Type : Sell
Condition : Used
Location : St Albans

For sale, out lovely compact, easy to store caravan with lift up roof. Fits in most garages. Only 1000kg gross weight so can be towed by small car. Total length 16 feet 1 inch, width 6 feet 6 inches, height under 6 feet 6 inches with roof down. 2 single beds or large double. Kitchen has fridge, 4 burner hob, grill, sink with pumped water. Cassette toilet and wash basin. Comes with awning and caravan cover. Floor was delaminated in 2017. Just had full service (brakes, gas, electric, etc). Very good condition – a few external blemishes consistent with age.

Mention when calling seller to get a good deal


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