We Remove and Store have a professional storage facility right in the heart of Norwich. We work harder than any other storage business to provide you with great value. Consider these perks;
1) We can often collect in a van at no extra charge.
2) We include a basic level of insurance cover in our prices (the only storage provider in Norwich to do so as far as we know).
3) We can supply you with packaging materials.
4) We can provide you with a padlock at no extra charge.
To get all the details, please see our website by following the blue link just below our e-mail address.
Please note ***Our removals teams see frequent damage from people storing things in damp, moldy shipping containers. Putting your things outside in a metal box is cheap for a reason.***
Get in touch with Matt or one of the team to see if we can help.
Mention when calling seller to get a good deal